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What is UI/UX design? Let’s get the buzzwords out of the way first before we dive into how they can actually benefit your business. UI is short for user interface, which directly involves the aesthetic elements by which users interact with a product. This involves much more of the tangible features that we can see and feel; in the case of an app, this ranges from all the button taps to the page swipes, from typography to colours. On the other hand, UX stands for user experience. This encompasses the user journey that one experiences with a product. In other words: good UX is made up of the combination of all the UIs to create a seamless user flow. With that said, UI and UX must constantly complement each other to determine the success of a product.
To ensure that your product is delivering accurate information and performing its desired function, these two elements must go hand in hand. If you’d like to dive deeper into this, our Lizard UI/UX team can show you how it’s done.
Here are 3 ways how good app design can affect your business:

Establish Branding

Brand personality is one thing that can differentiate your business from others. As a brand is directly related to your business, its identity must be significant enough to be recognised in the market. In order to bring out the uniqueness of your brand, good visual design is the first thing that your customers see. For example, with a business mobile app your brand personality is communicated through the visual brand components such as your logo and typography. As communication is often key to establishing a connection, let the first impression of your business speak through excellent design and ultimately connect with your consumers.

Here’s what Crystal, our UI/UX Designer at Lizard, has to say about brand personality and the way design communicates it to users.

As a UI/UX Designer, branding is part of what I do when designing user interfaces. As a branding strategy, I focus on pairing colors, typography, and logos that will optimally represent the digital product. These elements work together to provide visual impressions for the user, creating their very first experience with the product. Of the products I have worked on, there was a range of impressions and messages I aimed to instill in users. For example, I have used colors of blue-purple and orange-yellow, paired with Poppins, a rounder san serif typeface, for a game product. It created a sense of simplicity in a trivia-type game while maintaining its gamification nature and outlook.
The process of creating a brand personality often requires many iterations and trial and error. Sometimes, the colors or typography picked may not capture the message the product intends to convey, and I have to create multiple variations of colors, and typography, and work with different pairings until I find the right balance and harmony. Other than accounting for the overall balance of color and typography pairings, I also have to take the nature and industry of the product into account. A soft turquoise may work well with pink, but it would work better for products with young children as their target audience than working adults in an oil & gas industry, for example. Start by establishing the personality traits of your business with specific style guides and keeping consistency. Once your branding is out there, it’s time to get your users to stick to your app!

Increase User Retention

The more appealing your app design is, the better the retention rate of your users resulting from the engagement that they have with it. The important thing about good UX design is that new users will spend more time on it and can enhance their digital experience. The downside of poor design can often bring user frustration, thus driving away consumers. However, an app that is user-friendly in design and provides easy, seamless navigation can better retain your consumers, lowering the bounce rate and in turn resulting in a greater conversion rate. Once your consumers stick to your app, you’ll be ready to see potential revenues coming in.

Efficiency = Revenue

We all prefer to gain more by doing less - in this case, a good app design can allow your consumers to do more by scrolling less. A properly-designed app can be user-friendly and helps lower the search time that your consumers spend. With this, consumer needs can be fulfilled in a shorter amount of time, which gives them the efficiency to do what they came to do. As your app becomes more efficient, it boosts the productivity of your brand and even your users, resulting in a higher chance of purchasing rate, helping you generate more revenue in less time. It’s a win-win situation for both!
All in all, UI/UX design does have a real impact on your business. Here at Lizard Global, the quality of our end users’ digital experience is the north star in guiding us to creating disruptive apps. We constantly empathize with user problems and delights, focusing on solutions that can help solve their pain points. A great product design that establishes branding, creates app stickiness, and helps to convert efficiency into revenue. This can only be accomplished if we put ourselves in the shoes of the consumers - and that’s how we do it here.

Need a Hand?

Do you like what you’ve read so far? Are you prompted to get that seamless app design that you’ve been desiring for your business? We will be more than glad to create cutting-edge UI/UX for your platform to boost that revenue stream. You can trust that Lizard Global delivers excellence for every project that we’ve got our hands-on, and we are proud to have a seasoned design team ready to build the next best digital experience. We run on enthusiasm and passion for getting the work done and our maturation and experience reflect on positive reviews on Clutch and Sortlist. Check us out there - or even better, drop us a line down below to recruit us as your full-stack digital partner!

Frequently asked questions



What is user interface?

User interface entails the aesthetic elements by which users interact with a product.


What is user experience?

User experience encompasses the user journey that a user experiences with a product. In other words, UX is made up of many UI’s which are combined to create a seamless flow to form a product.


How to establish brand personality?

Your brand personality must first be communicated through the visual brand components within such as the logo and typography.


What is user retention?

User retention is the continued use of your product or app by your customers. It is also important for the increase of customer loyalty.


What are bounce rate and conversion rate?

The bounce rate reflects the percentage of users entering your app and leaving without completing a single action rather than continuing the browsing process. A conversion rate reflects the percentage of users who have completed the desired action valuable to your business, for example, making a purchase after browsing your app.
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