Customer satisfaction in custom software development

14 Dec, 2022
Writer, Tasnim

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Custom software development is an imperative element of contemporary technological progression. It marks the creation and refinement of applications and programs to increase the efficiency, speed and accuracy of a system's productivity. The process consists of various stages such as designing, coding, debugging, testing, documenting and supporting for effective utility in a system.

Simply put, it is a journey from idea to implementation that starts with the analysis of requirements to understand user needs before creating a system or application tailored to their requirements. This systematic process gives shape to ideas so they can be put into suitable action in accordance with market trends.

How significant is it for a company or software developer to get desired customer satisfaction?

Well a lot. Providing quality services backed by excellent customer service will show you mean business and ensure your customer’s needs are met. An important part of quality work is understanding what the customer wants and making sure their requests are answered in a timely manner. Additionally, by delivering content that exceeds expectations customers become advocates for your product or service. This kind of customer loyalty and commitment is invaluable.

But there is always a catch, it is crucial to understand that customer satisfaction and product quality are not necessarily one and the same, even though they are mistakenly equated. Many other aspects influence a customer's feelings of contentment with a particular software development company, including the accuracy of communication, response time, the clearness of task specifications or the organization of collaborative activities.
This means that even when customers do not feel pleased with their collaboration experience, it does not necessarily say anything about the delivered product itself being of low quality. Engaging in partnerships where customer satisfaction and product excellence go hand in hand.

What are the tips for increasing customer satisfaction?

The best way to keep customers satisfied is to complete work within the time frame, meet the budget, and develop a great product at the end. In words it seems like a piece of cake but what about in practice? What exactly should you do to win clients’ loyalty?

To find the answers, we have to dive into what brings customer satisfaction.
Strategic budget maintenance, risk management and easy access to software programs are essential elements that must be taken into account. Furthermore, exploring new markets and accurately tracking the formation processes can lead to a greater understanding of what customers find most satisfactory. Ultimately, only by taking into account all of these variables will it be possible to gratify target customers. It is important to remember that overlooking any aspect may weaken the quality of service provided, damaging customer satisfaction levels significantly.

Reliable service

Can you identify the difference between a good service and a reliable service? A good service can only give a customer satisfaction for a short period. But a reliable service can not only satisfy the customer but also retains the trust that helps in the Long period.

Customers are always on the lookout for services they can trust, and companies are more than aware that reputation plays an essential role when it comes to gaining customers' admiration. At Lizard Global, together with our clients, we take a deep-dive into the ins and outs of their industry, organizational structures, end-users, and competitors in order to achieve a successful digital transformation that disrupts the market and makes reliable connections.

Follow up with customer demand

In these ever-evolving times, customer needs are constantly changing and they are constantly in search of something better. To ensure that these demands are met, it is the customer's responsibility to stay well informed of new services and developments in order to be able to ask for what they want from companies.

In the highly competitive software development market, customers have high expectations and businesses must take extra care to pay attention to the small details which will pay off for them in the long run. By listening closely to their customers today, companies can benefit from enhanced customer satisfaction tomorrow.

How do we help? At Lizard Global our goal is to ensure the success of your idea by giving you and your team the education necessary to identify significant technical aspects and key performance indicators (KPIs). We collaborate with you to develop a step-by-step strategy for executing the idea, with the ultimate purpose of creating a product roadmap targeted towards successful outcomes.

Reflecting on software errors

Software errors can be incredibly detrimental for developers, as poor coding will lead to design flaws, application faults and editing issues that do not sit well with customers. However, by merely focusing on ensuring customer happiness and satisfaction, the developers can reap huge rewards further down the line.

We need to bear in mind that customer feedback is what matters the most in the long term; striking a balance between technical proficiency and delivering customer service can make all the difference.
Effective reflections on software errors consider the process and decision-making of each contributor. If we take time to consider our approach holistically, we can more quickly identify where we have gone wrong; pinpointing changes for error prevention in the future.

Highlighting successes in our approach can also help to strengthen software solutions going forward, making the process constructive rather than overtly critical. At Lizard Global we believe, by looking at failures with a learning mindset, we can become more efficient and continually improve their services.

Coordination between Customer and Developers

In order for software development projects to be successful, effective communication and coordination between the developer and customer is a must. By building a strong bond between the two parties, every aspect of the project has a greater chance of success. It’s essential that customers provide their developer with trust, support, and honest feedback in order to foster an environment conducive to progression and achievement.

Furthermore, customers should never hesitate to ask questions when necessary and the company and the team should always pay close attention to their needs and make adjustments as needed. Ultimately, it's through these open dialogues that a strong trusting relationship is built, resulting in better outcomes for everyone involved.

So,what are the advantages of customer satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction is an essential part of running any business, as it provides a direct measure of how well the company is doing in terms of providing quality products and services. Having satisfied customers is essential for the long-term success of a business and has numerous advantages, which include:

  1. Increased Customer Retention: Satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal to your brand, leading to higher customer retention and repeat purchases.
  2. Improved Public Perception: Satisfied customers are more likely to share positive experiences with their friends and family, leading to a more positive perception of the company.

  3. Increased Referrals: With a positive public perception, customers are more likely to refer your business to others.

For instance, Lizard Global has earned 4.9 star rating in Clutch, Let's look at some testimonials below:

"It seemed like they really wanted to help and were committed to the design and idea." - Nicole Yeates

"The strength of Lizard has been their ability to quickly grasp the complex challenges that we were trying to solve." Dr. Sally Creswell Hirsch

"We thereby basically accomplished all we wanted to achieve." - Walter Justers

"The workshops were very organized and helped me scope the right direction for the business." - Adam Azman

"They know how to share data, get next steps done and make decisions when you as a customer don't know what to do." - Frederic Marcillaud

As seen above, with a strong commitment to our clients' satisfaction and quality assurance, we dedicate ourselves to providing dependable service that consistently meets high standards. We take into account all the necessary factors before delivering our product or service ensuring that we always deliver the best possible outcome for our customers. Rest assured, when you choose to work with us, you will be in capable hands with an experienced team backing you up every step of the way.

Final thought

Since the early days of software development, the power of customer feedback has been vital in shaping successful systems. Keeping all debates and complications aside, when customer satisfaction is achieved it adds tremendous value to a team’s work. Most often customer satisfaction is more powerful than imagined and can drive positive outcomes far beyond what developers could achieve alone. That is why making sure a customer feels included and satisfied during the software development process should be an incredibly high priority for those involved in coding and designing the system. Ultimately, while disputes or challenges may come up during a project, if a customer is satisfied with the service they’ve been provided then this alone can hugely add value and mark out the success.

Frequently asked questions



What are the 3 levels of customer satisfaction?

The fundamentals of customer satisfaction hinge on delivering a consistent experience. This is a key principle advocated by McKinsey.


Why is user satisfaction important?

Customer satisfaction is paramount, as it provides a clear indication of whether your customers are pleased with your offerings. Studies have indicated that high levels of satisfaction are associated with increased customer loyalty, greater customer lifetime value, and the development of a positive brand image. Low customer satisfaction ratings also warrant attention.


What is satisfaction in usability?

Subjective satisfaction is the last usability criterion, which quantifies the pleasurability of using the system.

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