Lizard Global Made Mt/Sprout’s Top 8 Best SAAS Application

12 Sep, 2023
Asrul Ash, Content Writer

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Lizard Global is proud to share that one of its partners, from the Netherlands, has been recognized as one of MT/Sprout's top-performing SaaS companies in the country. The SaaS100 2023 is a collection of the top 100 SaaS businesses in the Netherlands (with a turnover of up to 50 million euros), chosen by MT/Sprout based on factors including turnover growth (MRR), churn, speed of international expansion, and efficiency.

Specifically, how did Lizard Global contribute significantly to the development of the best custom Saas software and application for our client in the Netherlands and beyond? Continue reading.

Mt/Sprout’s SaaS100: Best Performing SaaS Companies of 2023

MT/Sprout is a Netherlands-based entrepreneur-focused platform, located in Amsterdam, that provides publishing, content marketing, e-commerce, and training services. The company focuses on content marketing and publishes newsletters on startups and scaleups, the most recent developments in business, management, and leadership, as well as ideas and insights on how to achieve a better work-life balance.

The SaaS100 is a list of the top 100 SaaS businesses with a 50 million euro annual revenue as of 2023, according to MT/Sprout. Taking into account each contributor's demographics and performance, the SaaS100 list is created. From over 200 registrations, points were given to each company based on factors including size, turnover, growth in turnover, churn, age, the number of active nations, etc. Top 8 best SaaS businesses in the Netherlands, a company with over 25 years of experience, is a member of the FD Mediagroep. They support business experts and help them run their businesses wisely, just like the FD and BNR do. provides up-to-date data from more than 3 million Dutch enterprises. This contains financial information, organizational structures, real estate details, and business information, which directly aids the business in assisting marketing, sales, and compliance experts in making smarter business decisions.

By providing their clients with knowledge about the risks associated with counterparties, assists their clients in conducting business responsibly and safely. They also offer information about areas with untapped business potential. They provide protection and the groundwork for a successful business to their customers in this way. As a matter of fact, they provide certain assurances in support of quick return on investment, 99% uptime, and a high NPS score for over 40 years.

Lizard Global: Making a Powerful SaaS Application in the Netherlands

Our partnership with started two years ago, to be exact on the 2nd of November 2020. approached us with concerns about data management, particularly those relating to confidentiality, security, and preservation/retention of user login information for their website. They required a tech professional with the ability to archive, preserve, and dispose of data in a safe and secure manner both during and after their service-trial subscription. This includes creating policies and processes to manage electronically handled data.

Lizard Global's main involvement in the project were:

  • Delivering Data Handling solution,
  • Developing a comprehensive Purchasing Funnel that complements's backend
  • Building a Discounting Module from scratch that enables users to redeem discounts from entering coupon codes in the website

The project was worked on by a group of three software developers, and because it was in line with their corporate objectives, Lizard Global was able to provide with a customized end product that is still used in their website today.

Lizard Global introduced Next.js as the preferred framework for developing the solutions with Keycloak sign-in authentication. Specifically in the building of user interface, routing, data fetching, rendering, CRM integrations, and many other areas, the aforementioned React framework is versatile enough for the developer to build blocks for the web apps quickly. When a user's time for the free trial has expired, Lizard Global makes sure that their data and behavior were logged using the authentication tool and submitted to the sales API of to create an email blasting automation. continues to be one of many partners of Lizard Global in the Netherlands because of the exceptional work produced by the team. We currently provide ongoing system maintenance to them. In addition to bug fixes, our solution also changes over time, which helps achieve its goal of being one of Mt/Sprout's top SaaS businesses in the Netherlands. remains our client until today

As expands, their database does too, necessitating an upgrade in Keycloak authentication. This technical breakthrough caused a redirection problem with the login procedure, which prevented the login feature from functioning properly.

"To solve the issue, we swap out the @react-keycloak/ssr, a particular library used in Keyclock, for NextAuth.JS. The authentication procedure has been upgraded with NextAuth.JS, and no more problems have been discovered. — Senior Software Developer, Kenny.

Apart from switching from Next.js to NextAuth.js, Lizard Global is still actively updating and maintaining the Purchasing funnel on a regular basis. Examples of this include changing the copy on the landing pages and occasionally checking for issues.

Build a Custom SaaS Application with Lizard Global

Before beginning a SaaS project, you should not only consider a product idea and determine its viability, but also perform the necessary calculations and gather the necessary resources. Next, it's critical to choose the hiring strategy, including whether a development team will be internal or external, for example Lizard Global. Following that, your team—or in our instance, your digital partner—might begin the SaaS development process. Want a technically sound web or mobile application for your SaaS solution that can improve your online presence? Tell us about the idea you have, and we'll assist you in realizing it.

Frequently asked questions



How do you create a SaaS platform?

The following steps are involved in creating a SaaS platform:product research, selecting a cloud provider, ensuring support for multi-tenancy and API connectivity, Create an MVP, develop, market, and promote, then publish and maintain.


How much does building a SaaS application cost?

The number of features, UX/UI design, SaaS application hosting, scalability, number of application users, monitoring software and tech maintenance costs are just a few of the variables that affect the cost of developing SaaS apps. Investments will also be needed for the business analysis and promotion aspects. Depending on where they live, SaaS engineers will also have different hourly rates.


How can an existing app be made into a SaaS model?

Following are the stages for converting an application to SaaS:

  • Selecting a migration strategy: Either rebuilding your app to accommodate multi-tenancy or totally rewriting the application code to create a cloud-native version. migrating the application and its services to the cloud "as is".
  • Establishing a development team: Supporting and maintaining SaaS apps calls for a different strategy. Before migrating to a new delivery model or outsourcing SaaS development, coach your developers.
  • Selecting a cloud provider: Pick a supplier that has the resources necessary to execute your program in a cloud environment. Pay close attention to data security and dependability.
  • Migration to SaaS: Make sure your server backups are secure, test every part of your cloud setup, and rework. Then, for a seamless data transfer, move the app data to the cloud and sync your on-prem and cloud databases. Send users and traffic to the SaaS version at last.
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