06 May, 2021
Lotte, Digital Content Specialist

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At Lizard Global, we believe that any industry can go through its own digital transformation in order to greatly benefit from the power of technology. One of the already more than 20 verticals of Lizard Global is the industry of Transportation and Logistics. From commercial shipping to taxi services, the transportation industry is a broad one. Like any other industry, businesses in this industry can leverage digital transformation to improve their existing business processes and implement innovative initiatives and adopt new technologies.
The world around us is changing at a rapid pace, and the only way to keep up is to stay one step ahead of the competition. By implementing the right technologies for, for example, business process automation and/or Customer Relationship Management, you can focus on the tasks at hand that deserve your full attention, rather than repetitive tasks that can easily be taken over by technological implementations.

This blog dives deeper into the unique challenges within the transportation and logistics industry, and gives you a sneak peek into the digital solutions Lizard Global has been working on to guide our clients in the transportation industry towards a digital transformation of their business.

Transforming logistics: how does that work

The transportation & logistics industry can be defined by all the means of transportation of people or goods. For example, think of container ships and freight trains, distributing goods from one place to another. With the emergence of the internet and services such as online shopping, the transportation of goods around the world has skyrocketed. While for us it only takes a few clicks to order a new pair of shoes, the actual process of having your package delivered right to your doorstep is remarkably complex and extensive. Logistics plays a core role in that process, as it provides the means to get your product from one place to another.

Technological advancements within the transportation industry are largely focused on making the distribution of goods more efficient, quick and cost-efficient. A good example of digital transformations within the transportation of goods is the automation of order processing and a digitized and optimized means of communication between sorting centres and transporters. By automating and optimizing the entire process of getting your order from its place of origin to your doorstep, you’re now able to order a pair of shoes on Wednesday and receive them the next day.

The transportation industry doesn’t just cover your goods, we can also define the transportation industry as a means of transporting people like you and me from one place to another. Think of commercial airlines, trains, busses, or taxi services. A perfect example of digital transformations within the public transportation industry is a MaaS (Mobility-as-a-Service) such as Uber or Lyft. With only a few clicks you can have your personal driver right in front of your door within a few minutes. Another example of a digital solution within the transportation sector is the apps provided by your city’s train or public transportation companies. Often, the app shows you exactly what train/bus/metro/tram to take, and where and when it will arrive. Often, you can even order your digital ticket online on the spot.


At Lizard Global, we applaud innovative minds with great ideas that reshape their industry with the strength of technological advancements. Without these innovators, we wouldn’t be where we are today. Having a great idea is one, but actually turning it into a real-life solution can be quite a challenge. At Lizard Global, we are here to do exactly that. By combining the industry insights and experience of our clients with our full-stack and multi-skilled team of digital experts, we managed to create groundbreaking and cutting-edge digital solutions. We’re not just your average digital agency, we’re a partner for life, driven to better the world with digital solutions.


Together with our partners at Transvision, we designed and developed VaxiTaxi, a progressive web application (PWA) that allows users to book a ride to their COVID-19 vaccination appointment at any time and location. As the vaccine rollouts gather steam, more and more people are getting invited to get vaccinated so we can all get back to a state of post-COVID normalcy. However, not everyone has a way to get to their appointment. Perhaps they don’t own a car or are physically unable to reach the vaccination location. Anyone who would like to book a taxi to and from the vaccination location can now easily do so via the VaxiTaxi platform on their laptop, phone, or tablet. Within minutes, users can have a confirmed booking with a taxi to and from their vaccination appointment.

The application is designed to make the process of ordering a taxi to and from a vaccination appointment as easy as possible. Just fill in a few personal details and the location and time of your vaccination appointment, pay safely with iDeal, and instantly receive your personal order confirmation and digital receipt. After ordering your personal ride, you receive real-time information about the current location and arrival time of your driver.

Main functions:
  • On-demand taxi booking service
  • Real-time insights into the arrival time of your driver
  • Safe and secured payments with iDeal
  • Digital receipts and order confirmations

Need a hand?

Curious about our other verticals? Check out our portfolio for an insight into all the industries we’re supporting with digital solutions. Or read more about our experience in the Maritime industry, FinTech industry or the Medical industry. Want to know more about our verticals and the clients we’re guiding towards the digital transformation of their business? Or do you want to know what we can do for your business? Drop us a line, and we gladly meet up with you to dive into the possibilities!

Frequently asked questions



What does digital transformation mean?

Digital transformation defines the shift from offline to online. This can include any element of our society, among which the business world. At Lizard Global, we guide our clients through the process of digitizing their business processes in order to increase productivity and stimulate long-term growth.


What is the transportation industry?

The transportation & logistics industry can be defined by all the means of transportation of people or goods. Think of, for example, container ships and freight trains, distributing goods from one place to another. Or public or private transport services like planes, trains, busses and taxis.


What are examples of digital transformation in the transport sector?

Examples of digital transformation in the transport sector are the technologically driven automation of order- and communication processes, or on-demand transport applications like Uber or Lyft.


How does a digital transformation work?

When a business decides to digitally transform their organization or specific business processes, they do so by partnering up with professionals who can both create the needed software and guide them through the process of getting familiar with this software. This isn’t an overnight process, and it requires practice and adaptation to see results.


Where can I find more of Lizard Global’s projects?

You can find more information about our projects in our digital portfolio and on our works page .
An image of markus at the blog page

Hey there, can I help you?

Did you like the blog above, but do you still have some questions about the subject or related topics? No issue! You can easily contact one of our Lizard specialists on these specific topics, and they gladly tell you more about it. This way, you’ll never leave with uncertainties.


Global Commercial Director | markus@lizard.global | +60 18 35 65 702

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