24 Feb, 2022
Lotte, Digital Content Specialist

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In order to maintain standard quality assurance of a business’ services, an official certification can come in handy. After all, as a business owner, you want to show your customers that you deliver good work, and your internal business processes are running smoothly at all times, and that you are trained on and follow current industry best practices and standards. At Lizard Global, we make sure to provide our clients and their customers with the best possible products and services. In this blog, we give you an insight into how certifications contribute to the ability to ensure high-quality solutions, and how our Lizards, in every department, work hard to qualify themselves as experts in their field and become award-winning partners.

Certifications at Lizard Global

As a cross-functional team, we’re much more than just experts in our own field. On a daily basis, we work closely together with Lizards from other departments in order to make sure everything we do is adding value to our customers. To be able to create an optimal teamwork environment, we make sure to prioritize personal and professional growth. The availability of online courses allows us to learn whenever we see fit, resulting in an impressive collection of various certifications among our Lizards.

Professional Scrum Master (PSM)

The online platform scrum.org offers a wide range of courses for obtaining official certifications related to scrum theories and methodologies. The Professional Scrum Master (PSM) training is one of them and is an engaging and proactive course that teaches about the methodologies of Professional Scrum and the responsibilities of a Scrum Master.

The training offers a comprehensive grasp of the basic ideas of Scrum and the Agile mentality through a combination of discussion and exercises, as well as the techniques used by successful Scrum teams. Passing the PSM exams result in the achievement of highly valued certifications and a deep-rooted knowledge of the Scrum methodology and how to apply it.

Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO)

Scrum continues to prove to be an effective method of working as a leading framework for introducing agility to product development. Because of the transformative benefits it provides, this methodology is quickly infiltrating many organizations, particularly software development organizations. The Product Owner plays a fundamental role in the Scrum Team, whose mission is to maximize the value of the product and optimize the work of developers. If the Product Owner does not fulfill the function as defined by Scrum, the possibility of product success is at risk. As a result, there is a growing need for Product Owners and those who shape the product to comprehend the whole scope of Product Ownership in its original form and benchmark their learning. Scrum.org's Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO) certification is the most prestigious of all Scrum Product Owner certifications.

All Lizard Certifications

The entire Lizard Global team consists of experts in their own field, and beyond. Our various backgrounds in media and communications, engineering, design, business administration, and more made us into a melting pot of talents in different departments while working closely together at the same time, inspiring each other with our skills and passion for digital innovation. Let’s have a look at a few examples of certifications and diplomas acquired by our Lizards:

Management Team

  • Certification Creative Entrepreneurship
  • Master & Bachelor in Computer Science (Engineering)
  • Certification Design & Engineering Methodology for Organizations
  • Certification Business Administration
  • Certification Intercultural Communication
  • Master Business Administration (Knowledge & Information Management)
  • Scrum Master
  • Dialogue Marketing Compliance
  • Lean Six Sigma
  • Salesforce Basics

Team UI/UX

  • Professional Diploma in UX
  • Bachelor of Communication, Advertising Creative
  • User Experience Diplome by Accenture
  • Bachelor Business Information Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Team Development

  • Master of Engineering Science (Biomechanics)
  • Bachelor of Web Development & Communication
  • Bachelor Information management
  • Bachelor of Computing
  • Bachelor of Science Applied Mathematics
  • Bachelor of Information Technology

Team Commercial

  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Intercultural Communication Degree
  • Google Analytics & Ads Certification
  • Bachelor New Media & Digital Culture
  • Minor Critical Journalism
  • NIMA A (Dutch Institute of Marketing)
  • Minor Sponsoring, Fundraising, and Events
  • Joint-Venture Specialist (Apple Inc. Certificate)

Team PO

  • Bachelor of Mass Communication (Broadcasting & Journalism)
  • Professional Scrum Master (PSM 1)
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Associate’s Degree in Computer Science
  • PSPO 1 (Product Owner)
  • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
  • Bachelor of Economics and Business Economics

ISO 27001

The International Standards Organization, or ISO, is a non-profit organization that develops industry standards. These standards refer to the quality, safety, and efficiency of the products or services offered by a business. ISO certificates involve many different industries, from the medical sector to innovative technology, and make sure that the quality of products and services are always up to a specific standard, so the market can maintain consistency. ISO consists of more than one certification, and each of them has separate standards and criteria, signified by a certain number.

ISO 27001 is an ISO standard related to data protection. The Cloud servers we use for the app- and web development processes at lizard Global all follow the ISO27001 standard, which refers to an organization’s Information Security Management System (ISMS). The ISO27001 standard guarantees the following elements regarding the safety and quality of our servers:
  • Effective Information Management Assurance
  • Information and Asset Protection
  • GDPR compliant Security Framework

In our blog on our secure solutions at Lizard Global, you can find more information about how we make sure that your personal and enterprise information is safe and secure at all times, following our principles of Privacy by Design, and Security by Default.

Docker Certified Associate

Lizard Global is an official Certified Associate of Docker, which is a service that provides the ability for developers to package and run applications in an environment called a ‘container’. The Docker container is a lightweight and standalone package of software that possesses everything needed in order to run an application, from code and runtime to system tools and libraries. Docker containers are loosely isolated and tightly secured and allow developers to run many containers at the same time on one single host.

In 2017, Docker introduced its first Docker Certified Associate certification, which serves as a benchmark for worldwide container technology expertise with the Docker Enterprise Edition. This certificate highlights our skill and experience at Lizard Global regarding the handling of container technologies and provides our clients with a guarantee of our expertise as well-qualified professionals in software development.

Official Salesforce Partner

Lizard Global is an official partner of Salesforce: one of the world's largest CRM system providers. As a Salesforce partner, we assist our clients in implementing centralization and automation in their business operations using Salesforce software. Salesforce's CRM systems are integrated into your business with a focus on your company's needs and objectives. Together, we have a close look at your current processes in order to set up a CRM system that’s tailored to your business. As an official partner of Salesforce, we can guarantee our clients of high-quality and high-performance CRM solutions.

MSC & MDEC Recognition

Besides our quality certificates, Lizard Global is also acknowledged by The Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC): the lead agency established to implement the MSC Malaysia initiative. The Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation is a governmental initiative to lead forward Malaysia’s digital economy. They aim to do so by driving digital transformation and adoption across Malaysia’s public and private sectors in terms of policy formulation, agency coordination, and workforce development. MSC (Multimedia Super Corridor) is an initiative by the Malaysian government through the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC), for ICT-facilitated businesses that develop or use multimedia technologies to produce and enhance their products and services.

Need a hand?

Lizard Global is your digital partner for imagining, designing, creating, and growing cutting-edge digital solutions. We support innovative entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs by guiding them through their digital transformation. Are you looking for a digital partner for the digital transformation of your business? Or do you want to know more about our quality assurances? Get in touch with us, and let’s partner up!

Frequently asked questions



What is ISO?

ISO is a non-governmental and independent organization active on an international scale. It develops standards to make sure that the quality, safety, and efficiency of products, services, and systems are ensured at all times.


What does the ISO27001 certification stand for?

The ISO27001 Certification refers to an organization’s Information Security Management System (ISMS), and guarantees the secure handling of user data on servers within an organization


What is the Dockers Certified Associate certificate?

In 2017, Docker introduced its first Docker Certified Associate certification, which serves as a benchmark for worldwide container technology expertise with the Docker Enterprise Edition. This certificate highlights our skill and experience at Lizard Global regarding the handling of container technologies and provides our clients with a guarantee of our expertise as well-qualified professionals in software development.


What is MDEC?

The Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation is a governmental initiative to lead forward Malaysia’s digital economy. They aim to do so by driving digital transformation and adoption across Malaysia’s public and private sector in terms of policy formulation, agency coordination, and workforce development.


What do Security by Default and Privacy by Design mean?

Privacy by design is a term used to describe the guaranteed safety of user data that’s embedded in the design of a piece of software. App developers build their code in such a way that it requires the least possible user data in order to function properly and all privacy settings are set to minimum access to user data by default.

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Did you like the blog above, but do you still have some questions about the subject or related topics? No issue! You can easily contact one of our Lizard specialists on these specific topics, and they gladly tell you more about it. This way, you’ll never leave with uncertainties.


Global Commercial Director | markus@lizard.global | +60 18 35 65 702

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