03 May, 2021
Lotte, Digital Content Specialist

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In our Meet the Clients blog series, we dive into one of our inspiring project and the innovative minds behind it. This week, we sit together with Harm and Mark, who partnered up with Lizard Global to develop an on-demand transportation service “VaxiTaxi” under the wings of mobility service provider Transvision. Like any other industry, the transport and logistics industry is taking major steps towards an optimized customer experience with the help of digital solutions. VaxiTaxi is no different, as its service relies on the power of technology in order to provide the best possible experience for its users. Let’s dive into it and get to know the innovative minds behind Transvision and VaxiTaxi.

First of all, who are you? What do you do?

Harm: “I am Harm Rietmeijer. I help companies with digital innovation and strategy. In my current assignment, I help Transvision with the development of digital consumer transport products and the underlying strategic journey exchange platform.”

Mark: “I’m Mark, Technology Strategist at Transvision. Transvision is a mobility director, known for providing services for clients such as Valys, NS Zonetaxi and transport for other various clients. We offer a nationwide transport network for taxi and bus rides by making arrangements for local companies.”

What problems/challenges did you/your customers face that made you look for a digital solution?

Mark: “Booking a taxi, especially outside the metropolitan area, is still quite 'old-fashioned'. The customer must look for the telephone number of a local company. In addition, the rate is often not transparent until the trip has been driven. With our booking platform, the customer can book anywhere in the Netherlands (we are looking for the right exchange), the costs are transparent and can be paid in advance.”

When and how did you come up with VaxiTaxi as a digital solution for your customers?

Mark: “Taxi apps like Uber are now commonplace. However, the coverage of these services is often limited to large cities, airports and the like. Transvision already has a nationwide network, but is now also going to use it for consumers with the introduction of VaxiTaxi, an on-demand taxi service that drives people to their COVID-19 vaccination appointment.”

How did you get in touch with Lizard Global?

Harm: “I met Jeremy - CEO of Lizard Global - after he was nominated for the FunFameFortune500 award, an initiative that I launched with Harold to celebrate individuals who are a driving force behind the success of those around them. When we were looking for a good app developer for our digital solution, I immediately thought of Lizard Global.”

How do you experience the partnership with Lizard Global?

Harm: “We started off in a very efficient way and quickly came to a suitable offer. But most of all, it just clicked in communication and we were on the same level regarding our initial vision on the development process and approach. So far, our partnership has been pleasant and smooth. Of course, sometimes we have different ideas and visions, but we manage to come up with a way to meet both ends.”

In what ways did VaxiTaxi solve the problem you/your customers were facing?

Harm: “While the COVID-19 vaccinations are rolling out at an increasingly rapid pace, there are other factors that might stand in the way of actually obtaining the vaccine. The lack of the right means of transportation shouldn’t be one of those factors, as it can be quite easily solved with the right tools. VaxiTaxi is that tool and efficiently eliminates the struggle of having to find a safe, reliable and fast way to travel to a vaccination location and back home. We just launched the MVP of vaxitaxi.nl, so we’re excited to see how it can add value to our customers.

Would you recommend Lizard Global to a friend, family member, or colleague?

Harm: “Yes. It’s a cool team to work with. Their experience and knowledge in the field of technology make them able to deliver high-quality products, while they’re still small enough to quickly and flexibly act on sudden bottlenecks and adaptations.”

Meet more clients!

Want to read more about our partners, their applications and their experience of working together with Lizard Global? Check out Nicole’s interview about her app “Retiink”. Or have a look at “Globiz”, the digital business card application we developed together with Stefan and Carmen.

Keen on partnering up with Lizard Global and having your very own interview and business success case obtain a place in the spotlights on our website? Get in touch, and let’s get to know each other!

Frequently asked questions



What does digital transformation mean?

Digital transformation defines the shift from offline to online. This can include any element of our society, among which the business world. At Lizard Global, we guide our clients through the process of digitizing their business processes in order to increase productivity and stimulate long-term growth.


What is the transportation industry?

The transportation & logistics industry can be defined by all the means of transportation of people or goods. Think of, for example, container ships and freight trains, distributing goods from one place to another or public or private transport services such as planes, trains, busses and taxis.


What are examples of digital transformation in the transport sector?

Examples of digital transformation in the transport sector are the technologically driven automation of order- and communication processes, or on-demand transport applications like Uber or as shown in this article, VaxiTaxi.


How does a digital transformation work?

hen a business decides to digitally transform their organization or specific business processes, they do so by partnering up with professionals who can both create the needed software and guide them through the process of getting familiar with this software. This isn’t an overnight process, and it requires practice and adaptation to see results.


Where can I find more of Lizard Global’s projects?

You can find more information about our projects in our digital portfolio and on our works page .
An image of markus at the blog page

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Global Commercial Director | markus@lizard.global | +60 18 35 65 702

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